Yêu cầu cho Visa
Dựa trên mục đích chuyến đi

- Passport (with validity at least 06 months, copy old passport if any).
- Photo 3,5×4,5 in white background
- Identity card (copy).
- Family record book (copy).
- Certificate of marriage (If any) (copy).
- Birth certificate (if any) (copy).
- For business owner: Certificate of business registration and monthly VAT declaration of latest 3 month (with bank’s confirmation)
- For employee: Labor contract (or Decision on appointment, employment), payroll of latest 03 months, letter of leave for absence (affix one seal on the first page), bank statement (latest 3 month, with bank’s confirmation).
- For retired person: Decision of retirement, retirement pension slip for receiving in cash (copy), or bank statement for receiving via banking system
- For student: Student ID card or confirmation of student status, letter of leave for absence with confirmation of school.
- Time saving deposit certificate at least 5000 USD (with bank’s confirmation).
- Certificate of land use right (copy).
- Car registration, certificate of shareholding (copy) if any
- Other income : House/ car for lease contract (copy) if any
For applicants under 18:
- When father or mother does not accompany: Letter of confirmation for children to travel proposed by father/mother or legal guardian with confirmation of authority (attached template)
- Identity card or passport of father/mother/ legal guardian (copy)

- Passport (with validity at least 06 months, copy old passport if any).
- Photo 3,5×4,5 in white background
- Identity card (copy).
- Family record book (copy).
- Certificate of marriage (If any) (copy).
- Birth certificate (if any) (copy).
- For business holder: Certificate of Business Registration and monthly VAT declaration of latest 3 month (with bank’s confirmation)
- For employee: Labor contract (or Decision on appointment, employment), Payroll of latest 03 months, Letter of leave for absence (affix one seal on the first page), Bank Statement (latest 3 month, with bank’s confirmation).
- For retired person: Decision of retirement, Retirement pension slip for receiving in cash (copy), or bank statement for receiving via banking system
- For student: Student ID card or confirmation of student status, letter of leave for absence with confirmation of school
Business visa
- Invitation letter from business partner
- Business schedule.
- Evidence to prove business relationship (contract, receipts, etc.) if any
For applicants under 18:
- When father or mother does not accompany: Letter of confirmation for children to travel proposed by father/mother or legal guardian with confirmation of authority (attached template)
- Identity card or passport of father/mother/ legal guardian (copy)
Tải tài liệu
Dựa trên mục đích chuyến đi
Các câu hỏi / Mẫu đơn xin thị thực
Điền vào form này và gửi đi. Chúng tôi sẽ gọi lại sau 8 giờ.
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